Saturday, April 25, 2009

The things you take with you.

Things I might actually miss about Ottawa.

-walking home alone alone on warm nights, crossing the Queensway and knowing I'm nearly home.

-getting home late at night, and knowing I'm the only girl awake in the Glebe.

-sneaking gin and juice (or chardonnay, or a good merlot) onto the Bluesfest grounds at LeBreton Flats in a Nalgene bottle.

-cooling down in the air-conditioned calm of the War Museum lobby between bitchin' sets.

-knowing Elizabeth Hay is kind of my neighbour.

-Ottawa Morning. Mostly Stu Mills, whose velvet voice and vegan leanings make me swoon.**

-the adorable boys who work at the Crappy Loeb and blush when they make change and sometimes score pot from the person in front of me in line.

-the equally adorable boys who work at Bridgehead and come around the counter to hand my coffee to me before going back to discuss their ideas for their next tattoos.

-the canal. I always wished for a river to skate away on, and for a few years, I had one.

-wandering through the National Gallery on a Friday afternoon, sneaking around corners to hide from security guards, running through as many galleries as possible before closing time.

-Saturday morning walks to get the paper, and days spent watching Arlo chase the sun across my apartment.

-my apartment.


**Last summer I had the incredibly surreal experience of being on Ottawa Morning and I sat across the table from Stu as he prepped to read the news at the top of the clock. After my interview was over, I skulked around until he was done and followed him across the street to Bridgehead, where I tried to reach out and touch his vintage leather jacket as he passed by me. It was maybe the best fifteen minutes of my entire time in this city.


  1. Sounds like you'll enjoy The Goat. Wine, coffee, co-op . . . it's got it all.

    But prepare yourself for Wei Chen in the mornings. Yikes!

  2. Nalgene merlot was my best discovery of last year. It made bluesfest waaaay cheaper.

  3. You're a good writer (I was already told that by your father). It's a pleasure to read your thoughts.

    Join me at and I'll give you some of mine.

    You are also a good singer, no one told me that!

