Friday, April 3, 2009

They Can't Take That Away From Me.

Anyone ever done a job interview in their jammies? It's pretty surreal. I'm currently drinking too much coffee and waiting for the call so I can prove to some people that I am the girl for the job, an earnest and enthusiastic young professional with all the right stuff (right stuff for young librarians=internet use, bookwormism, black framed glasses). In actual fact, I am watching my cat chase a twist tie around the apartment, developing an embarrassing sweat situation, and staring longingly at my bed in the other room, where The Memory Of All That by Betsy Blair sits on my nightstand, just BEGGING TO BE PICKED UP. I'd never heard of Betsy Blair until my internet crack Jezebel announced her death a few weeks ago, but dear lord, what a life she led. Married to Gene Kelly, ardently communist, an ingenue and a chorus line escapee...I cannot stop reading her life story because on every page there's some new great tidbit about, like, the Broadway Softball League in Central Park (it is exactly what it sounds like). I'm still in the 1940s era of her story, when New York was all cabarets and sleek bars and 24-hour beauty parlors for working women. To quote my other heroine, I want to go to there. I strongly encourage everyone with even a teeny interest in theatre, film, Americana, communism, or women's fashion to read this incredibly engaging book.

Just don't pick it up if you have an early morning interview.

I also just found out that April is Blog Every Day Month. Three days in and still going strong.

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