Thursday, January 28, 2010

that's the one-second time travel machine i told you about.

Last night I couldn't sleep, so I watched The Science of Sleep, the next best thing. Seriously, I think this is one of the most overlooked movies of the last ten years. I've seen it a few times and everytime I watch it I pick up some new esoteric existential question. It's in three languages and you hardly even notice the transitions. It's visually mind-boggling. It unpacks a lot of the issues Michel Gondry obsessed over in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (maybe my favourite movie of all time): the tricks our minds play, the tricks we play on each other without even knowing it, all the time unconsciously feeling like it's the best thing, like we can't live without someone, like it's the only option, all the time stuck in our own minds, unable and unwilling to tell dream or memory from reality. Also, I defy you to not fall in love with Gael Garcia Bernal when you watch him in this opening scene.

The little dance he does while playing the keyboard around 1:09 is particularly endearing.

Also also, for a wannabe crafster like me, some of the effects are like sweet sweet porn:

Optical illusions as flirtation: Genius.

I have a bit of a lady crush on Charlotte Gainsbourg.

You must see this movie. Really.

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