Monday, October 12, 2009

I've got plenty to be thankful for.

In the twilight hours of the long weekend, in a hungover haze of food and wine and lit candles in the dark evening, I'm sitting here thinking about the things I should be thankful for. I have a lot of them, really. We all do.

Just to name a few...

Red wine. Homemade salsa. Afternoon spelunking trips through abandoned buildings in a town that has so quickly become home. Standing up twice in one year for two of my best friends. Mornings spent in bed with the Globe and Mail in one hand and the other one touching a sleeping giant. Yoga. Joel Plaskett. Brothers. Mothers. Fathers across the ocean. Walking home from the movies in the rain. Reading cookbooks and planning all the meals we still have to make. Breaking bread. Unbreaking hearts. You. And me. And you and me.

It's easy to fill your heart up when you really put your mind to it.

Happy thanksgiving.

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