Monday, September 14, 2009


Being smart is hard. Especially when you find yourself constantly resisting your intelligence.

Case in point:

The new Alice Munro book came in for me this weekend at work. I got super excited about it and chatted like a literary fangirl with all my coworkers about how I couldn't wait to go home and read it and one time my mom saw her on a plane and isn't she frigging classy for pulling herself out of the running for the Giller? I came home all ready for some subtle, poetic fiction-reading.

...And then, I spent the rest of the evening watching episodes of Young and the Restless online, and getting depressed at how confused and disoriented that show makes me now. Gone are the days when you could tune in once every three months and find the plot had only progressed slightly past where it was when you and your grandma used to watch it together. Now it's all Silver Chipmunks and kidnapping and peanut allergies.

...And then, I googled pictures of Lady Gaga and tried yet again to figure out why I think she is so cool. Me liking her makes the least sense than anything, ever.


Anyway, it's bedtime and I've got some old Sweet Valley High paperbacks to flip through before I pass out, just to round out this incredibly stimulating evening. Watch this video, if you know what's good for you. (Thanks, Harold.)


  1. Lady Gaga is a guilty pleasure indeed. It's like a car accident you can't help but crane your neck to take a second glance at. At least she isn't Winehouse though...all the right attention for all the wrong reasons.

  2. I read a totally apt description of Gaga on FourFour, that she's the weird girl who does weird shit and gets acknowledged for it so she just keeps on doing weird shit. he also called her the love child of Molly Ringwald and Aly Sheedy's characters in The Breakfast Club. Apt!
